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Spray paint

Sweden's largest retailer of spray paint! Always spray paint in over 1200 colors in stock from world leading manufacturers such as Montana Cans, MTN Colors, Molotow and Loop. Highly pigmented spray paint that is perfect for graffiti art as well as bikes, furniture and home improvement.

Spray paint
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  • Spray paint from world leading brands

    With us at Highlights you will find quantities of spray paint from the world's absolute best manufacturers. You can use the spray paints you buy from us for both graffiti and hobby fixes for those who paint furniture, bicycles or other fun projects.

    The selection is Sweden's largest and we quickly deliver the spray paint to your home. If you have questions and need help with which spray paint best suits your purpose, do not hesitate to contact us directly. You can reach us by email or phone 08-642 81 90.

    Welcome to Highlights!

    Choosing the right spray paint

    Different spray paints are best suited for different purposes. To know what you need for what you are going to do, we recommend you see the description for each product. For example: Montana Gold is a spray paint that is better suited if you are repainting a bicycle or a piece of furniture, while Montana Black is better suited for graffiti.

    Molotow Premium sprayfärg

    Montana Gold sprayfärg

    MTN Montana Colors sprayfärg

    It is not only the ingredients of the spray paint itself that differentiate them, but also the pressure in the can and the finish of the paint when it dries. They vary between carpet, silk carpet and glossy. So, when you choose spray paint, you must first of all choose the right type of paint for the surface to be painted on. Then you should take into account what finish you want, and whether you need to choose a varnish. The next step is to choose a color of spray paint and figure out how much paint you need.

    We have spray paint for all purposes, regardless of whether you need to paint concrete, wood, metal, cardboard, plastic, styrofoam or any other material, you will find it with us. As Sweden's largest retailer of spray paint, we offer you as a customer everything you could possibly need, including 1200 different shades of spray paint. Below are also some guides and tips for how to proceed, as well as a simpler review of the different products among spray paints.


    Guides and Tips for painting with spray paints

    On the guides and tips page you will find a lot of useful information for various projects. Below we list some of the best tips we have for when painting with spray paint.


    • Paint graffiti with spraypaint
      Montana Black is our most popular brand when it comes to spray paint, which is perfect for graffiti. Most of the other brands of spray paint we sell are also great to use so check each product's description to see which one might suit you. We have ready-made discounted packs that include caps and plastic gloves, which can be a good starter pack. We also have books for you who are beginners and want to learn the basics of graffiti, e.g. Graffiti School. To start painting, you need a surface, it can be a plank, a wall where you can paint or this stretch film. Start by sketching your motif, then fill in all the surfaces with color and finally make your outlines and final details. Then we recommend experimenting with colors, different caps and techniques to achieve the result you want. Practice makes perfect!


    • Paint furniture with spray paint
      Montana Gold eller Molotow Premium är de bästa märkena för möbler. Båda färgerna är matta och behöver minst ett lager klarlack på sig för att hålla bra mot slitage. Det finns både matt och blank klarlack. Använd alltid klarlack från samma märke för bästa resultat. En sprayburk på 400ml brukar räcka till ca 1,5 kvadratmeter. Hur stor yta färgen täcker beror också på hur möblernas skick, om dem är obehandlade eller målade sedan innan etc. När det kommer till obehandlade möbler får man även ta in i beräkningen att olika träslag suger in olika mycket färg.

      Ibland kan det behövas två lager spray eller mer. Matta ner eventuell tidigare färg eller lack med sandpapper, tvätta av ordentligt, applicera eventuell primer/grundfärg, spraya på de antal lager färg som behövs (Hellre två tunna lager färg åt gången än ett lager med mycket färg), vänta sedan minst några timmar, gärna ett dygn innan du sprayar på klarlacken. Låt färgen på möbeln härda i 24 timmar innan användning.


    • Paint bike with spray paint
      Montana Gold or Molotow Premium are the best brands for bikes and for best durability you need to apply at least one coat of clear coat. There are both matt and glossy varnish for both brands, but always use the same brand on the varnish as on the colour.

      Before you spray on the paint, you need to sand down the existing paint until it's matted down. Then you take the appropriate solvent and clean. Then prime spray with metal primer to create a good attachment surface for the paint. Then spray on the paint, preferably two thin layers of paint than too much at once, let dry for at least a few hours, preferably a day, before applying a clear coat. Allow the paint on the bike to harden for 24 hours before use.


    • Paint plastic objects with spray paint
      It is difficult to guarantee that spray paint adheres perfectly, as there are so many different varieties of plastic in particular. We therefore recommend that you always use Montana Plastic Primer, which is a transparent primer specifically developed to create a good adhesion base for spray paint. Always test first, on a less visible surface, so you can see that it works as it should.


    • Paint metal objects with spray paint
      Just as with plastic materials, there are certain metals that are difficult to get the paint to adhere well to, this usually applies particularly to greasy, untreated metals. In such cases, we usually recommend using Montana's Metal Primer, a primer spray developed to give that type of metal a good attachment surface. Test on a small piece and see if everything works correctly.


    • Paint wooden objects with spray paint
      It is rarely a problem to spray on wooden objects. However, the thing to keep in mind is that spray paint is a very easy-flowing, thin type of paint and that especially untreated wood absorbs paint very much. Then it can be good to prime the surface first with a thicker type of paint that is applied with a brush as a primer.

      Montana's Universal primer is also a good tool if you are unsure that the color will really stick properly, cover properly or if you just want a light base before applying your choice of colour.


    • Paint styrofoam objects with spray paint
      Pure styrofoam reacts and melts off the solvent in regular spray paint. Montana has therefore developed a Styrofoam/Polystyrene primer, which acts as a protected layer between the surface and the paint. However, water-based spray paint works fine without primer on top of styrofoam.


    Brands and manufacturers of spray paint

    We basically have paint for all different purposes, from painting graffiti with, artistically spraying on e.g. canvas to repaint your peg chair or give the bike new life with a new colour. You can find more detailed information about the products on their respective pages, but here is a brief one; You will find our entire range of spray paint here.


    • Montana White
      A budget variant with high pressure and glossy paint in. Best suited for painting graffiti with. Note! Can't be painted afterwards, the color reacts because it has a relatively long drying time.


    • Montana Black
      One of the best and most popular spray cans for graffiti. Matte color, high pressure and good coverage.


    • Montana Gold
      High-quality matte paint developed for graffiti painters but also perfect for the home fixer or artist. The paint has an acrylic base which makes it flexible, you can e.g. spray on a cloth and then roll it up when dry without cracking. This color is also best suited with Montana's Tech spray paints, such as Matt, Semi-gloss or gloss varnish and also the various basic spray paints. It also has the widest color range and the can has low pressure in it, which makes it very easy to handle.


    • MTN Hardcore
      Glossy spray paint with high pressure in the can. Best suited for painting graffiti with.


    • MTN 94
      Matte color with low pressure in the can. Perfect for details. A very well-liked and popular spray can that is perfect for painting graffiti with as well as furniture etc. Corresponding varnishes are then available for purchase!


    • MTN Waterbased
      A water-based spray paint with low odor containing pigments of the highest quality. Perfect for painting indoors and in studios. Can also be used to paint furniture and has associated lacquers. Remember that the spray dust remains even if the paint is water-based, so don't forget the gas mask!


    • Molotow Premium
      A semi-matte spray paint with low pressure in the can. Suitable for graffiti as well as for home improvement. If you intend to respray something that will withstand wear and tear, don't forget their associated varnish, which you can find in the color chart on the product page.


    • Tarblack and Coversall
      Bitumen-based paint in the same patch as classic undercarriage paint. Often has a faint shade of brown in it and is suitable for painting wet chrome with, as it otherwise "eats up" ordinary colours. Not suitable for repainting furniture or the like.


    • Liquitex spray
      Water-based spray paint with really low odor. Matte color with slightly longer drying time than our other spray cans. Perfect for artistic painting on canvas. Liquitex Spray á 400ml is their best seller.


    Caps - Spray nozzles for spray paint

    A wide range of different nozzles in all different shapes and sizes for all different purposes. We recommend that you try to find your favorite. See more on description on each product for more information on that particular nozzle. We also have ready-made mixed bags for those of you who want to try something different and don't want to choose yourself.


    Protection when painting with spray paint

    We always recommend using a gas mask or a dust filter when painting with spray paints. Depending on the circumstances you paint in, you can find what you need here, from very simple dust filters to more advanced gas masks with carbon filters that protect you against both dust and gases. You can also find latex gloves, protective gloves, protective overalls and accessories such as tapes and sandpaper with us!

    Do you have more questions? Get in touch with us at or dial a signal on 08-642 81 90!

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