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Caps & Nozzles

We got a huge assortment of different caps / nozzles. For those of you who finds it hard to choose, we recommend the green level caps. Level 1 gives the skinniest lines and Level 6 the widest. If you would like to try some different caps, we have also finished packs with mixed caps.

Caps & Nozzles
  •  categories
  • Caps & Nozzles

    We have a large selection of caps and nozzles for spray cans. This jungle of caps can be a bit confusing. What is the difference between different caps and how should you choose the right one? We thought we'd sort that out for you! The first thing you need to know is what you are going to use your spray can for. It has to do with the spray pattern you are looking for, i.e. if you want a narrow and sharp jet or a wide and soft one. For example, if you are going to repaint a large piece of furniture or cupboard doors, a cap with a wide and soft spray pattern is best.

    Cap sprayburk

    Special cap

    We always recommend that you test spray before painting on the intended surface. The distance you must hold the spray can from the surface/wall is regulated depending on which cap you use. Usually you should spray from a distance of between 5 and 20 cm. Below we have grouped caps into different categories (Skinny, Medium, Fat and Special) according to characteristics so that you can more easily find the right one!



    Makes a thin jet and are suitable for narrow lines and details.


    • Level 1 - Ultra skinny cap, for extra slim lines. About 0.5 - 2 cm.
    • Level 2 - Skinny cap. The width of the beam will be approx. 0.6 - 2.5cm.
    • Level 3 - Soft skinny cap with a beam of approx. 1-4 cm.
    • Needle Cap - Hard unsharp beam, approx. 0.4-1.2 cm wide. Lets a lot of paint through and sprays much longer than normal caps, you can hold the spray can up to 50-70 cm from the wall.
    • Pipe Skinny - The little brother of the classic Needle Cap. The tube is both shorter and narrower, which affects the beam in the same way.
    • Needle Fine Liner Cap - Hard unsharp beam, approx. 0.2-1 cm wide. A thinner variant of the Needle Cap.
    • Cream Skinny Cap - Specially developed to provide a narrow and sharp beam. Gives approx. 1-2 cm wide, sharp lines.
    • Flame Skinny - A super slim skinny cap, delivers a thin, soft jet of about 0.4-1.5 cm depending on the can's arch and pressure.
    • Pro Cap - Ultra skinny cap, perfect for making thin, very sharp lines 0.4-1.5 cm.
    • Maclaim Cap - Extra narrow skinny cap, the width of the beam is approx. 1 cm. Perfect for tinting and detail work.
    • Skinny Beige - Skinny cap with a soft approx. 1 cm wide beam.
    • Black Skinny - A good all-in-all skinny cap, about 1-1.5 cm wide beam.
    • Original Cap -  Classic skinny cap with a beam of approximately 1-1.5 cm. The beam becomes relatively hard and slightly fuzzy, nice cap to get an "old school" look with. Also called Belton OG or Stock cap
    • Universal Yellow - A.k.a. "Banana cap" a great all-round cap that is suitable both for filling smaller areas and for outlines, gives approx. 2-3 cm wide, sharp lines.
    • Montana Outline Cap - Skinny cap, with a beam from about 1-4cm. Excellent for outlines and seconds.



    Medium wide and often with a soft beam.


    • Gray Skinny - Medium wide beam, about 1-4.5 cm. Good cap for filling and creating fades with etc.
    • Hardcore Cap Medium - Medium cap to fill surfaces with.
    • Level 4 - Soft and wide beam from 3-10 cm.
    • Blue Soft - Intermediate beam of approx. 2-4.5 cm. Soft and good for fades.
    • Smooth Soft - Soft beam from 1 -4 cm.
    • Lego Cap - Sharp medium cap that is perfect for filling in as well as for lines & details. In terms of size, between New York Fatcap and Universal Yellow, a ray of about 1-5cm.
    • Flat Jet Medium Cap - with calligraphic effect, gives an approx. 5 cm wide jet.



    Wide beam and delivers a lot of color.


    • New York Fat Cap - An immortal classic and one of the world's most popular caps among graffiti artists. Delivers a sharp medium wide beam of approx. 4-6 cm.
    • Orange Fat Cap - Fatcap with a thick beam of approx. 8 cm. Perfect for filling and broad lines.
    • Level 5 - A very wide barrel cap, with a beam from about 4-15 cm.
    • Flux Cap - Like an "Original cap" with high pressure. The beam becomes relatively hard and slightly fuzzy, nice cap to get an "old school" look with.
    • Astro Fat Cap - Perhaps the widest fat cap on the market, with a beam from approx. 5-25cm it is possible to go from narrow to wide in one move.
    • Pink Fat Cap - Classic fat cap with high pressure and a thick beam of approx. 12 cm. Perfect for filling and broad lines.
    • Super Fat Yellow Cap - Developed to give the best possible performance on Loop spray, when an extra fat, round jet is desired, 1-10 cm. Designed for fast assignments.
    • Super Fat Cap - With a beam from approx. 5-20cm.
    • Gold Fat Cap - A so-called ultra-wide fat cap, with a beam from approx. 5-25 cm.
    • Level 6 - A very wide barrel cap, with a beam from about 5-25 cm.
    • Hardcore Fat Cap - Popular and mega fat, perfect for filling larger areas quickly.
    • Flat Jet Wide Cap - with calligraphic effect, gives an approx. 9 cm wide jet.



    Caps that give a different spray pattern. On calligraphy caps, the outer part can be turned so that they produce a horizontal or vertical beam.


    • Flat Jet Medium Cap - Calligraphic effect, gives an approx. 5 cm wide jet.
    • Flat Jet Wide Cap - Calligraphic effect, gives an approx. 9 cm wide jet.
    • Calligraphy Cap - Calligraphic effect, with an approx. 1.5-8 cm wide beam.
    • Super Booster -  Unique cap that gives a really wide calligraphy beam. *Please note that it only works on 600ml spray cans with cross vaults.
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