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Here you will find all our different types of primer in spray cans. Prime the surface you are going to paint with primer to make the paint stick better. In our range of primers, you can find spray primers for all imaginable different materials and purposes.

  •  categories
  • Which primer should I use?

    Before painting a surface, you can use primer to prepare the surface. You could say that primer is a type of primer that makes the paint adhere even better and make it more permanent. There are so-called all-around primers and universal primers that work for most surfaces such as wood, cardboard and cardboard. We always recommend using a primer from the same brand as the paint you are using on the surface. Manufacturers often optimize their products so that they work well together.


    Primer for special surfaces

    If you are going to paint on, for example, metal, aluminum, plastic or styrofoam, you need to use a suitable primer.


    Gesso - Spray primer for canvas

    Gesso is used as a type of primer for canvases. MTN PRO Gesso 400ml is a gesso in a spray can, perfect for the studio! You will find regular gesso in the category Painting mediums.


    Spray primer för aluminium

    Spray gesso primer för canvas


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