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Winsor & Newton Galeria Acrylic 500ml

Quality colours at great prices!  •  Item ID: C-519940
175 kr
Available in stock

Galeria Acrylic from Winsor & Newton is a high quality acrylic paint that gives a professional result and is perfect for the artist who wants good acrylic paint at an affordable price. The Galeria Acrylic colors re brilliant and have high levels of pigment. The colors are clean and smooth to work with. See each color for opacity.

This affordable acrylic paint has a liquid consistency so you can easily cover large areas. The W&N Galeria Acrylic paint also allows for some build up of texture and markings.

Acrylic paint, 500ml bottles, also available in 60ml tubes.

Antal Styckpris Totalt
0 175 kr 0 kr
434 Pale Lemon, Opaque
In stock 175 kr
653 Transparent Yellow, Transparent
In stock 175 kr
346 Lemon Yellow, Semi-transparent
In stock 175 kr
114 Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue, Opaque
In stock 175 kr
527 Process Yellow, Semi-transparent
In stock 175 kr
120 Cadmium Yellow Medium Hue, Semi-opaque
In stock 175 kr
115 Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue, Semi-opaque
In stock 175 kr
422 Naples Yellow, Opaque
In stock 175 kr
060 Buff Titanium, Opaque
In stock 175 kr
257 Flesh Tint, Opaque
In stock 175 kr
437 Pale Terracotta, Opaque
In stock 175 kr
744 Yellow Ochre, Opaque
In stock 175 kr
552 Raw Sienna, Transparent
In stock 175 kr
553 Raw Sienna Opaque
In stock 175 kr
074 Burnt Sienna, Transparent
In stock 175 kr
076 Burnt Umber, Semi-opaque
In stock 175 kr
077 Burnt Sienna Opaque
In stock 175 kr
682 Vermilion Hue, Semi-opaque
In stock 175 kr
090 Cadmium Orange Hue, Semi-opaque
In stock 175 kr
095 Cadmium Red Hue, Semi-opaque
In stock 175 kr
554 Raw Umber, Semi-opaque
In stock 175 kr
564 Red Ochre, Opaque
In stock 175 kr
075 Burgundy, Opaque
In stock 175 kr
448 Opera Rose, Semi-transparent
In stock 175 kr
502 Permanent Rose, Transparent
In stock 175 kr
203 Crimson, Transparent
In stock 175 kr
533 Process Magenta, Semi-Transparent
Not available 175 kr
466 Perm Aliz Crimson, Semi-transparent
In stock 175 kr
488 Permanent Magenta, Transparent
In stock 175 kr
444 Pale Violet, Opaque
In stock 175 kr
728 Winsor Violet, Transparent
In stock 175 kr
446 Powder Blue, Opaque
In stock 175 kr
179 Cobalt Blue Hue, Semi-opaque
In stock 175 kr
138 Cerulean Blue Hue, Opaque
In stock 175 kr
535 Process Cyan, Semi-transparent
In stock 175 kr
541 Prussian Blue Hue, Semi-opaque
In stock 175 kr
660 Ultramarine, Transparent
In stock 175 kr
706 Winsor Blue, Transparent
In stock 175 kr
516 Phthalo Blue, Transparent
In stock 175 kr
232 Deep Turquoise, Opaque
In stock 175 kr
435 Pale Olive, Opaque
In stock 175 kr
482 Permanent Green Deep, Semi-transparent
In stock 175 kr
483 Permanent Green Light, Semi-transparent
In stock 175 kr
484 Permanent Green Medium, Semi-transparent
In stock 175 kr
599 Sap Green, Semi-opaque
In stock 175 kr
522 Phthalo Green, Transparent
In stock 175 kr
447 Olive Green, Semi-transparent
In stock 175 kr
311 Hookers Green, Semi-opaque
In stock 175 kr
294 Green Gold, Semi-transparent
In stock 175 kr
438 Pale Umber, Opaque
In stock 175 kr
676 Vandyke Brown, Semi-opaque
In stock 175 kr
465 Paynes Gray, Opaque
In stock 175 kr
214 Copper, Semi-transparent
In stock 175 kr
617 Silver, Semi-transparent
In stock 175 kr
283 Gold, Semi-transparent
In stock 175 kr
415 Mixing White, Semi-transparent
In stock 175 kr
644 Titanium White, Opaque
In stock 175 kr
331 Ivory Black, Semi-opaque
In stock 175 kr
337 Lamp Black, Opaque
In stock 175 kr
386 Mars Black, Opaque
In stock 175 kr
Antal Styckpris Totalt
0 175 kr 0

4 different coverage propertys: Transparent, semi-transparent, semi-opaque & opaque.

attachment Color chart
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