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Art of Rebellion 2 Art of Rebellion 2 Art of Rebellion 2 Art of Rebellion 2

Art of Rebellion 2

Street Art  •  Item ID: ISBN398099094X

The Art of Rebellion 2 features international street art of the highest quality, highlighting dozens of new and unknown protagonists alongside many well-known and respected artists who have been at it for years.

• Featured artists include: Miss Van, Kid Acne, Faile, Blek le Rat, El Pussycat, Jon Burgerman, Heavyweight, L?Atlas, Zevs, DOMA, Erosie, Thundercut, Skewville, Derrick Hodgson, Koralie, Inkunstruction, Adam Neate, Darius & Downey, Dan Witz, Asbestos, Dave the Chimp and many others were all brought to life through photos, interviews and quotes.

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