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Stains Magazine 1-2 DEAL Stains Magazine 1-2 DEAL Stains Magazine 1-2 DEAL Stains Magazine 1-2 DEAL Stains Magazine 1-2 DEAL Stains Magazine 1-2 DEAL Stains Magazine 1-2 DEAL Stains Magazine 1-2 DEAL Stains Magazine 1-2 DEAL Stains Magazine 1-2 DEAL

Stains Magazine 1-2 DEAL

Nice price!  •  Item ID: stainsxmas-16

Stains Magazine deal, get Issue one and two for a nice package price!

Stains Magazine Issue 1.
he premiere issue is stuffed with 99% pictures, picutres and more pictures. Walls, fames, a total of 28 pages trains from Sweden and abroad and a total of 8 special features, with no less than the Reds [TPX-KS], RYG CREW, Nerg [STK OS-Boys KES], RDK CREW, Kris [WOL], Hank [ PYC], Dart [ENC] and Fusk [IFS]. 

Stains Magazine Issue 2.
In the sequel, Issue 2, we get a toalt of 48 pages packed with 99.9% pictures. The chapters consists of Stockholm trains (Total of 9 pages!), Mixed Swedish trains, various kinds of walls and spraycations, with Swedish writers abroad. Issue 2 also contains a total of 4 specials with non less than Roxes [CWD TM], Meit [RGE HLC], Like [VIMOA CNR] and 4608!

Highly recommended!

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  • A4 Standing, 48 pages (Two magazines)
  • English Text, Issue 1 released Summer 2016 / Issue 2 released Winter 2016
  • 230 g
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