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Liquitex Acrylic Ink Essentials 3-set Liquitex Acrylic Ink Essentials 3-set Liquitex Acrylic Ink Essentials 3-set

Liquitex Acrylic Ink Essentials 3-set

Set of 3  •  Item ID: P-3699238
199 kr
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Liquitex Acrylic Ink is quick-drying, permanent and water-resistant. The colors are intense, lightfast and extremely fluid, so there is no need to dilute the paint if you are going to use it in airbrush or for calligraphy. They also have a lovely satin finish.

You can use them on almost any surface, from paper and canvas to wood, leather, silk and plastic. They are ideal for creating color blocks or watercolor effects with a brush. They can also be used for calligraphy or drawing with dipping pens and other technical pencils.

This set contains a selection of key colors to get you started. Colors included: Cadmium Yellow, Naphtol Crimson and Cerulean Blue Hue.

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