Eastpak has been making backpacks and bags for more than 50 years. The product range includes a bag for every need: backpacks, shoulder bags, luggage travel gear. Great quality and pricing. Eastpak offers 30 years warranty for most of their bags.
If you are looking for a bag that can handle many tough challenges, Eastpak is the obvious choice. Already in the 50s, the company began to manufacture equipment, then for the military. It was of course crucial that the equipment would withstand weather, wind and wear and tear. This lives on in today's range of bags from Eastpak. They offer up to a 30-year warranty on the majority of all their bags, so you can see that your bag lives up to its promise. Eastpak has also included a sustainability approach to the environment and materials and works actively to minimize emissions and climate footprint.
Eastpak promises a 30-year warranty on almost all of their bags. Here are some tips on how to keep your bag neat and clean during its lifetime.
If you have a fabric bag from Eastpak, you can maintain it with a damp cloth. Has your bag been on an adventure? You can easily remove stains with soap and water. Never machine wash or tumble dry your bag. Hand wash it instead with cold water and neutral soap. For extra protection, you can use a universal protection spray.
A leather bag from Eastpak is unique as they are made of genuine leather where color changes occur. The easiest way to keep a leather bag clean is with a dry cloth. If you are going to use products to treat the leather, you are advised to test the product on a less visible surface before treating the entire bag. Do not use chemicals or products with pigments on your leather bag. Try to keep your leather bag protected from moisture.
A water-resistant bag from Eastpak is coated with a protective and water-repellent layer on the outside of the fabric. Over time, this layer can wear out. To prevent that from happening, you can regularly treat the bag with a water-repellent agent.
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