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Graffiti Cookbook, swedish Graffiti Cookbook, swedish Graffiti Cookbook, swedish Graffiti Cookbook, swedish Graffiti Cookbook, swedish

Graffiti Cookbook, swedish

Do-it-yourself-guide, Swedish  •  Item ID: D-9789185639625

A rich source of inspiration for anyone interested in do-it-yourself culture.
Graffiti Cookbook is a guide to the materials and techniques used within today's most creative and progressive art movement. In hundreds of pictures and illustrations and a dozen of interviews with some of the world's most famous artists the authors show how graffiti is made.

From spray techniques and hand styles to tools and style analysis, Graffiti Cookbook takes us on a trip around the world in the search of the tricks and trades of graffiti writers. After hundreds of books filled with pictures of graffiti published in the last few years finally one is showing how the artists work.

Graffiti Cookbook is filled with tips and examples of how to create your own piece, tag and throw up. These techniques can be used on all kinds of materials, textile, glass, metal, concrete or wood. Graffiti Cookbook gives an unique insight in the alternative art world and is a rich inspiration source for those interested in do-it-yourself-culture.

Swet, Jurne, Mad C, Skil, Egs and Chob are some of the featured artists in the book.

  • Author: Bj÷rn Almqvist, Tobias Barenthin Lindbladh, Mikael Nystr÷m, Torkel Sj÷strand
  • Language: Swedish
  • Pages: 140
  • Cover: Hard cover
  • Release date: 15 nov 2013
  • ISBN: 9789185639625


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