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Street Art London Street Art London Street Art London Street Art London Street Art London

Street Art London

160 pages  •  Item ID: D-1910

London is finally getting its due as one of the most international hubs for street art today. Its sooty brick walls are decorated with the liveliest and freshest street art in the world from an array of talent, both international and home-grown. Street Art London presents a carefully curated roster of work from global megastars such as Obey, Banksy, Space Invader and Roa, to rising newcomers like Malarky and Mobstr. Publisher Dokument Press is considered the authority on street art books, and Frank Steam156 Malt is one of the most respected and influential street art photographers working today. The art he captures is accompanied here by exclusive quotes from the creators themselves, giving fresh insight to their work. Street Art London acts as a permanent snapshot of an impermanent form in a constantly evolving environment. What sets this book apart is its sheer awesomeness, it doesn't set out to bring the most "hip" street art, it simply brings you the best.

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