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Republic of EGS Republic of EGS Republic of EGS Republic of EGS Republic of EGS Republic of EGS

Republic of EGS

Travel Guide  •  Item ID: Finland-004
395 kr
316 kr
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EMBASSY OF EGS 7.6.–25.8.2024

For the Didrichsen Art Museum's 2024 summer exhibition, graffiti artist EGS transforms the museum into an embassy of an imaginary state. The exhibition brings together the main themes of the artist's work: the EGS alphabet, maps, history, folklore and graffiti. EGS has been making Finnish graffiti art known worldwide for almost 30 years.

This Travel Guide, created by EGS and the Didrichsen Art Museum. EGS is a civil servant of the Republic, a cultural attaché. As well as an artist. Takes you on a journey into the artist’s mind. The reader is in for a somewhat bumpy ride, an adventure that may require one to climb over a few mental barriers.

120 pages, 21 x 21 cm, softcover with added folded poster. English, Finnish, Swedish

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