Från gatan och in i galleriet. Denna bok visar streetart från de senaste fem åren med cirka 35 samtida konstnärer från hela Australien. Intervjuer, uppsatser och självklart massor av bilder. Gillar du streetart och Australien älskar du den här boken.
Man får även med ett gäng stickers på sista sidan.
English text:
Off the street and into the gallery. This exciting book looks at work from the past five years by some 35 contemporary artists from around Australia.
Playful, edgy, clever, satirical and political, street art has significantly altered Australian visual culture over the past decade and has announced the arrival of a new generation of contemporary artists.
Space invaders engages with these developments and the radically differing aesthetic offshoots of street art, from stencils to paste-ups, stickers and zines. It also explores the legal and commercial issues particular to street art in Australia, and reveals the strategies artists have used to divide their practice between the street and the gallery.
Format: 25.5x25cm
128 pages
English edition
© 2001–2025 Highlights/KR Distribution AB.
Highlights Est. 2001