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Inkslingers, Under The Skin

288 pages, hard cover  •  Item ID: G-978-1-58423-530-9

The freelance journalist and author James Schultz, along with photographer Michael Caddy S°ndergaard, interviewed tattoo artists from around the world, with an emphasis on Scandinavian artists.

Each featured artist says little about his or her craft and then lets the pictures do the rest of the talking.

Starring: Clod the Ripper, Derek Baker, Guil Zekri, Bob Tyrrell, Eva Schatz, Kai Uwe Faust, Colindale, Jason Angst, Carl L÷fqvist, Jens Bergstr÷m, J¾n Pßll, Randy Engelhard, Tony Raita, Erin Chance, Henning J°rgensen, Iver Gortz, Christopher Henriksen, Aaron Bell, Dino Baby, Porky Pete, Coney Island Demon, Tattoo Mini, Dennis Wheeler and Sabine Gr°nh°j.

24.2x24.2 cm, 288 pages
Hard cover, English text
ISBN 978-1584235309

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